
Automated cell counter, EVE™ Plus

Fornitore: NanoEnTek
734-3333EA 4670 EUR
NANOEVE-MC2 734-3333 734-3400
Automated cell counter, EVE™ Plus
Conta cellule Contacellule elettronici
EVE™ PLUS è un contacellule automatizzato compatto basato su immagini che utilizza vetrini monouso per determinare con la massima precisione i titoli delle cellule eucariotiche in meno di 1 secondo. Inoltre, quando si applica il colorante trypan blu, il sistema discrimina in modo davvero preciso le cellule vive da quelle morte, per fornire dati affidabili sulla vitalità cellulare. Rispetto al conteggio manuale delle cellule mediante emocitometri classici, il contacellule automatico EVE™ PLUS offre tre vantaggi principali:

  • Dati oggettivi riproducibili, esenti da distorsioni/errori umani
  • Flusso di lavoro rapido e snello che consente di risparmiare tempo e aumentare la produttività
  • Vetrini di conteggio monouso che migliorano la sicurezza in laboratorio

Based on its well established precursor Eve™, the EVE™ Plus uses advanced optics and image analysis algorithms for counting, even challenging clumped cell populations, at a precision that is proven to be comparable to more complex fluorescence-based counting methods.
The cell concentration measuring range has been increased to 1×10⁴ to 2×10⁷ cells/ml with cell sizes ranging from 5 to 60 µm being recognised. The system can, therefore, be used on all kinds of round shaped mammalian cell lines, primary cells, red blood cells, PBMC, and some round types of yeast. For irregular shaped cells we recommend you use the ADAM-MC2 fluorescence-based cell counter.

A well-arranged touch screen user interface together with smart data storage and transfer options guarantee for easy and hassle-free operation.

EVE cell counting slides offer reproducible and reliable measurements and analysis. The unique design eliminates the use of cover slips and allows for exact volume control (10 µl cell suspension per test). In contrast to classical haemocytometers the disposable slides reduce the user’s risk of exposure to biological samples and eliminate the need for washing or autoclaving components. Each slide contains two enclosed chambers allowing for two tests per slide.

To prevent biased, unreliable results when using poor quality replicas, EVE slide packs do include an individual access code, which you must enter in the EVE PLUS software for authentication. Each access code is valid for up to 200 tests and can be used on an unlimited number of EVE PLUS instruments.
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